The History of Grit2Grace

Dawne's Story

As a young girl who left home to escape the abuse that was consuming me, with just the clothes on my back and no plan in place, I quickly went into survival mode.

Sadly, this meant college was not going to be an option for me, as my only focus was making enough money to pay my bills and support myself.

As I continued to navigate life, got married at 23, became a mom to 2 beautiful daughters, and then divorced after 18 years….I focused my energy on my girls and my career.

Climbing the corporate ladder was not always easy without a college degree, but I managed…. I unfortunately had to work extra hard to prove myself.

Eventually, I landed a fantastic opportunity which propelled my career and confidence. 

But….at the height of my career, I was hiding a secret behind a smile. 

I was living in an abusive relationship that was identical to my childhood and I didn’t know how to get out of it. I was afraid to tell anyone, because I was ashamed. I thought it was my fault. I was also afraid of telling anyone at work because I didn’t want to be judged or even worse, lose my job.  A job that I desperately needed and truly loved.

But…I felt like my performance was dipping and I needed to tell my manager, so he understood.  I knew he was a compassionate leader who truly cared about the well-being of all of us and I knew that it was safe for me to share my secret with him. 

I’m so glad I did, because I was met with so much empathy, compassion and support….and it was through his support that I was eventually able to overcome and thrive both personally and professionally.

THIS is one of the many reasons why my fiance and business partner, Larry Ambrose and I, have made it our mission to help organizations understand the need for “Humanizing the Workplace” – bringing compassion and empathy to the forefront, starting with leadership, to create a purpose-driven, people-centric culture, where everyone feels valued and psychologically safe to bring their whole selves to work every day, despite what they have going on in their personal lives…… just like I did.

In addition – you can find me as a featured Keynote Speaker at Universities, high schools, and Young girls/Women’s groups – speaking on a variety of topics: 

Understanding the Red Flags of Abuse; Finding your Voice and Stepping into your Power; Your Origin Story – Getting Clear on generational patterns and the impact they have on you; Creating a new blueprint and rewriting your story; Killing it with Confidence….and much more!

Larry's Story

I was living the life of my dreams. Happily married, father of eight children, working for a company that I loved in the most demanding, yet rewarding role of my career. Life changed in an instant when my wife Chris suddenly passed away two months after giving birth to our eighth child, a devastating loss that profoundly shook our family to its core. In the months and years that followed, supported by family, friends and a community that loved us, we managed to persevere, one day at a time. Along the way, I experienced the best of what can happen when a company truly leads with compassion, supporting your personal situation, and you respond in kind with loyalty, effort and high performance. Running nonstop trying to raise a family as a single parent while building a global software business eventually took its toll and I crashed, experiencing the downside of when you ignore the signs and try to push through. I stepped away knowing it was time for a reset and to be the parent that my children needed me to be and their provider in a much different way. I sought professional help and committed to doing the hard work. I took proactive steps to heal. I doubled down on my faith. I made peace with my past. I finally grieved the loss of my wife. With clarity achieved, I re-prioritized my life, wrote my new mission statement, and made decisions in alignment with its intent, all leading to a life of joy that I so desired. Through this process, I discovered my purpose.
This journey led to meeting my fiancé and business partner, Dawne Jacoby, and quickly learning that we shared the same mission in life. Grit2Grace was formed. Together we help organizations Humanize the Workplace, teaching leaders how to lead with compassion while creating the culture for teams to thrive and compelling employees to want to stay. We also help individuals navigate significant life obstacles that may be impacting them personally and professionally, incorporating our own life experiences and training to provide a process and tools to overcome so they can thrive again.

Our Story & Purpose

As former Corporate Executives, we were at the height of our careers when tragedy struck and changed our lives as we knew it. Unbeknownst to each other at the time, we both had to face major changes in our lives, as we were now navigating life as single parents, who also had to be the sole providers and breadwinners for our families –all while trying to perform professionally at the level we were accustomed to– aiming to meet the needs of our children and the expectations of our demanding jobs.
It was at this point we realized that we wanted to help others navigate through similar challenges and turned this into our mission. This is how Grit2Grace was formed.
When combined, “Grit2Grace” signifies the transformative process of overcoming adversity with determination, grit, and resilience, and emerging with a sense of elegance, compassion, and strength.
We realized there was a need to help individuals in the community, but also a similar need within the workplace – because we know first-hand how important it was to have the support we needed during those challenging times from leadership and having a company culture that advocated for us.
We now teach our proven process to organizations who are looking to improve their company culture and become a place where people want to stay, by focusing on “Humanizing the Workplace.”